Industrial Processing 2014, stand D-039
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De aanwezigheid van E & R staat in het teken van:
NETZSCH Grinding & Dispersing High Flow Circulation Bead Mill, High Speed Dissolver, Omega Inline
Dry Grinding Technology
Jet mills, E-Jet, Steam-Jet, Condux Universal Mill, Toll Grinding
NETZSCH Vakumix Mixers with high shear rotor stator emulsifiers, inline homogenizers
NETZSCH Confectionary Milling & Processing systems for confectionary, cocoa & chocolate
J. de Vree & Co N.V.
Volumetric Semi-Automatic Filling Machine, full automatic filling systems
for liquids
WINKWORTH Mixers High Speed RT Mixer, Pilot Plant Z-Blade Mixer, UTL powder mixer
Rotating Mixers for Fragile Products
EXAKT Technology Triple Roll Mills 50i and 80E
JENAG Strainers
Compact & New C-Type Self Cleaning Strainer
Industrial Processing 2012